Top Dental Tips for Pregnant Ladies

Pregnancy is one of the beautiful yet delicate phases in a woman's life. The woman goes through so many stages mentally, emotionally, and physically. Many ladies follow the routines, proper diet, and maintain hygiene during their pregnancy but often neglect their dental health. 

Neglecting dental health can lead to severe diseases, which might affect the baby's health as well. The relief is that dental treatments during pregnancy is safe and essential for mother and child's health. Also, if you visit the dentist, inform them about your pregnancy so that he could assist accordingly. 

Here are few dental tips for pregnant ladies to maintain their oral hygiene along with physical health. 

  1. Keep gums and tooth healthy- infected or diseased gums often lead to premature birth and weight born babies. Healthy gums decrease the chances of bacteria transmission onto your baby, preventing the child's early tooth decay. 


  1. Treat gingivitis ASAP- even if you visit a dentist regularly, it is essential to take care of your gums and see the doctor immediately if you find any unusual symptoms. An increase in blood circulation and hormonal changes can cause gingivitis, a type of gum disease. If you notice:  

  • Bleeding gums 
  • Red and swollen gums 
  • Bad breath 
  • Yellow plaques on the tongue 

visit the dentist immediately, as these could jeopardize your pregnancy. 


  1. Floss 

Often forgotten, flossing is as important as brushing your teeth. Flossing reaches the surface that are missed by toothbrush bristles. Flossing prevents tooth decay, gum diseases, and plaque build-up on the tooth. Floss at least once a day to keep your mouth clean. 


  1. Brush twice and regularly 

Brushing is the most crucial factor to keep your oral hygiene clear. A healthy mouth is the result of regular brushing and mainly twice a day. Your teeth face more risk during your pregnancy as you face morning sickness, which makes you skip the brushing. Try to avoid fluoride toothpaste during pregnancy. 


  1. Don't miss your prenatal vitamins. 

Prenatal vitamins strengthen your teeth and develop baby health. a baby requires more calcium in the womb because that is when the bone's development begins. Bones and teeth require calcium as low calcium can lead to weak bones and tooth decay. Daily consumption of prenatal vitamins containing vitamin d, calcium, and other needed minerals keeps your teeth healthy and protects your baby's oral health. 


These are the few steps you should follow in pregnancy to maintain oral hygiene. The most essential and necessary part is to visit the dentist regularly. Various dental clinics in Delhi offer special dental treatment for pregnant ladies as they need proper oral care. Matrix dental clinic provides a safe, hygienic, and equipped clinic to treat your dental needs at any stage. Book your appointment now to get your dental treatment done under the supervision of a highly trained and professional dentist in Delhi. 

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